Tiger's eye - Crystal of communication
It establishes the flow of energy in the body. It strengthens self-confidence, dissolves fears and boosts your confidence. A good crystal for students and the business world, since it improves communication and raising success. Excellent for calm, concentration and meditation implementation. Therefore, it is suitable for hyperactive children. Enhances metabolism, liver and helps with headaches, hair loss and activate vitality.
Approx size of orgonite :
width: 3 cm ( 1.18 inches)
Each orgonite is unique and magical. Since we do some orgonite in large numbers, they may be minor variations in the shape and size of the crystal.
Tiger's eye - Crystal of communication
It establishes the flow of energy in the body. It strengthens self-confidence, dissolves fears and boosts your confidence. A good crystal for students and the business world, since it improves communication and raising success. Excellent for calm, concentration and meditation implementation. Therefore, it is suitable for hyperactive children. Enhances metabolism, liver and helps with headaches, hair loss and activate vitality.
Approx size of orgonite :
width: 3 cm ( 1.18 inches)
Each orgonite is unique and magical. Since we do some orgonite in large numbers, they may be minor variations in the shape and size of the crystal.
Orgoniti za osebno zaščito – Obeski & Prstani & Osebni orgoniti
Orgoniti za osebno zaščito služijo kot zaščita našega energetskega polja. Nosimo jih na sebi in so običajno v obliki obeskov, prstanov ali osebnih malih orgonitov, ki jih nosimo v žepu. Orgonitni obesek, prstan ali mali osebni orgonit vsebuje vse sestavine večjega orgonita. Njegova uporaba je zelo praktična, saj obeske lahko nosimo kot amulete okoli vratu. Prstane pa lahko uporabimo kot lep modni dodatek, ki ima zraven še izredno močno zaščito.
Ker jih imamo ves čas pri sebi, nam omogočajo celodnevno zaščito. Omogoča nam pritok sveže energije in zaščito našega bioenergetskega polja. Ščiti nas pred negativno okolico in nam nevtralizira stres. Izboljšuje utrujenost, povečuje koncentracijo in nas pomirja. Ker se bolje počutimo, v naše življenje prinaša čisto srečo, harmonijo in zadovoljstvo. Vsekakor nam orgoniti za osebno zaščito spremenijo življenje na bolje.